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8 Weeks Old & The Heiress To Our Candy Empire Is Kicking Some Candy A$$ & Taking Names&#82


Child Labor Laws??? That doesn’t exist when you are the daughter of the Queen of Candy! Just look at our little, precious, delicious Bella “Candy Girl In Training”. Just 8 weeks old and already learning the ropes.. Helping her crazy mommy & the girls with a weekend full of events. Ugh! I can’t take this picture, I am such a proud mommy! She has 6 very proud Candy Girl aunties who love and adore her and spoil her rotten. Seriously… This kid so scored! She has no idea what is in store for her but one things for sure… It’s all good!

And PS – We hope we make you chuckle with our silly little posts, they crack me up just typing them..

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