So I gotta say,
Candyland has been pretty drama-rama filled lately and required me to re-visit the therapies I was taught in anger management class, so I am counter-acting that with positive energy, candy love, good vibes, cute faces, high kicks & splits. So here we go…
Dear Hollywood Candy Girls ( Joey, Calyse, Vanessa, Ashley, Bree & Jessica) & Eye Candy Boy Joey or Boey & The worlds most fabulous free labor -intern & professional eye ball roller Jessica,
Candy motha’ is so proud of you all and the amazing things each of you are doing in your lives. I mean, I get it- I can’t expect each of you to live, breathe, sleep & eat candy the way I do. However, I do appreciate the fact that you dedicate at least 23 hrs of your day just thinking about it! That’s totally good enough for me! You complete me the way cinnamon pop tarts do! I heart you.
Let the candy revolution continue onward…
XoXo- Candy Motha’
