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Deep thoughts on a Sunday.. For The Working Girls & Ladies Of The Night, Like Me.

Party Peeps, There is something very special to be said about the people in your life who believed in you even before you believed in yourself. ( In my opinion, these folks are Golden, keep them closest to you) The people who’ve always supported you and your adventures while others stood by severely rolling their eyes and anticipating you’d fail or couldn’t handle seeing you actually succeeding on your own merit. There is something to be said about these people and I believe that something to be said is simple, Thanks for believing in me when I did not and for laughing, crying, freaking out and hyperventilating with me along the way… I always say, Sincerity in people reads so transparently and when it’s real, you know it’s real. So for all the other working girls like me and ladies of the night, like me ( We work parties- really late! Take your mind out of the gutter perv!) I believe in you and most likely, I don’t even know you but it doesn’t matter- sometimes it just takes one person to kick your ass into greatness. Go be great! NO CRYING IN CANDY LAND! Happy Sunday Guys.

XoXo, Candy Girl

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