This morning I posted the following pic and message on our fan page..
I was having a really rough Monday and wanted to be honest about what I was feeling in the hopes that some of our friends, fans & candy family could help me through this shitty morning. My friends and family here at home are over me always talking about this too and I didn’t feel like getting another pep talk from them all and sounding like an A-hole! Well.. I asked and received and am now thankful that other women totally understood where I was coming from and what I was feeling and I did not sound like some ungrateful jerk ( at least no one made me feel that way!) You see, I have this problem/ I verbally vomit my thoughts, feelings and emotions without a filter, it’s the only way I know how to be.. When I need help, it’s nearly impossible for me to ever ask for it but in this case I just felt so bad, I had to swallow my pride and do it. Years ago, if asked how I was doing I would have replied with the standard, “I’M FINE, I’M FINE, I’M REALLY FINE!”but we all know that’s woman speak for… ” I’m really not fine and something is bothering me..” Anyhow, I appreciate the kind words I received and all the sweet words of encouragement and even those of you who suggested I just take a bath and I let Calgon take me away.. That’s nice and if I wasn’t on my feet still working and so damn pregnant, I would have jumped right in with my Star Magazine. I appreciate kindness when I receive it and find it incredibly difficult to ask for it so this means a lot. And for the record.. having a baby is the most heroic thing that I think us women do in our lifetimes.. This is no joke and anyone who plays it down is worthy of a drop kick in the nuts!
Thanks Friends.. XoXo, Candy Girl

It is a rare for me to ever ask for support and I often feel like women are not supposed to talk about this issue during pregnancy but I feel like I could really use some fellow mom wisdom today.. This pregnancy is becoming very difficult to deal with emotionally and the physical changes that don’t stop are really depressing me! Feeling ugly all the time is hard.I know it’s a beautiful blessing, I REALLY get all that. So what do you do when your own vanity completely takes over and you can’t handle feeling so gross? Is there a magic non-alcoholic cocktail I can make to fix my brain today! H-E-L-P!