Hi-Ya Candy Family,
By the look of these photos you can probably already gather that there has been some sort of relaxation or an attempt at it in Candyland. You’re right, I mean, you’re kinda right. We headed to Palm Springs, home of golf and more golf, old Hollywood icons and casinos. The laptops, blackberry’s and I-pads joined me at the resort pool everyday next to the Margaritas which I’m not allowed to even smell according to my husband. I really appreciated the “free wi-fi” which was not really “free”. After-all, the cost was snuck into a daily resort fee and when you speak Espanol like we do and you make friends with the entire hotel staff and bring them massive candy filled gift baskets on arrival ( sucking up to the staff on arrival is a brilliant gesture and works every time!!!) they kinda spill the beans on how the joint is run and “accidentally”keep bringing you free Pina Colada’s, extra pool toys for your baby and baskets of french fries for the pregnant wife who refuses to prance around in anything other than sweats with her nearly 5 month looking beach ball belly ( which is now tan so whatever) Ok- so maybe I did not wear sweats in the 118 DEGREE’S of sweat your balls of heat and I did wear a face full of make-up every day and lots of jewelry to compensate for the lack of sexy I’ve be feeling for what seems like 3 years but I’m constantly told that making babies is a sacrifice and you’re supposed to feel like some type of beautiful water goddess who I’m sure is related to that other chick mother nature however, I’ve never seen things that way nor have I ever envisioned myself being any sort of goddess of anything. You see, I LIVE for my kid and she’s our insanely delicious little ball of happiness who’s made our lives a beautiful mess, I just can’t seem to ever enjoy actually being pregnant when I just want to feel normal, not puke, not feel tired and work my weird hours without anything bugging me! I’m so great-ful so stop thinking i’m not.
Our Vaca would not have been complete without a Cameo appearance from the rest of our candy family. Candy Girls Bree, Ashley & Cameron and their cute boyfriends all happened to be just minutes away sunning their perfectly toned bodies ( saying it with utter jealousy) at the condo pool. We met the kids for dinner at a Mexican place, sang with Mariachi’s ( who were most likely distant relatives of mine), I watched everyone drink Margaritas in misery, a random middle aged man passed out and our Hero and Hubba Hubba Beefecake Joey ( a.k.a. Eye Candy Boy with giant juicy muscles and Bree’s boyfriend) saved the day and called 911 and was ready to administer CPR if needed and I’m sure he would have carried him to safety too but he wasn’t really in danger other than lying on the floor in the middle of a restaurant patio . What a freakin’ hero and he’s genuinely so sweet. Gag- he’s so perfect! They are all so perfect damn-it! After dinner- we took the customary vaca pics in front of a fountain of fish spitting out water and all 9 of us crammed into the SUV, the kids were forced to watch Elmo Dvd’s and sing ” The Wheels on the bus” to the baby when she started screaming and pulling out her hair bows. We made it back to their condo, they hopped out of the car in their youthful happiness & glow and skipped along their way back home in their teeny tiny cut off shorts. I love ’em and they know it and honestly- I’m so glad we were able to spend a little quality time together.
So that’s our lil’ Vaca and I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July holiday and you all continue enjoying the rest of the summer. We’re going to try and take trips more often because the truth is, All Work And No Play Makes Candyland a miserable place and we need all our positive energy in order to appropriately sign off with a Cart Wheel, High Kick into the Splitz!!!!
XoXo, Candy Girl

