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GASP! The Candy Girl is A Mexican!!! BELIEVE IT BABY! Si Hablo Espanol!

This came across my desk and I loved it! Perceptions, Misconceptions, Stupid Ideology, Whatever..

I was Born in the USA ( Hollywood In Fact) while dancing in my overalls sporting my LA Gears and rocking’ out to Debbie Gibson & WHAM in the 80’s while being raised by 2 rad immigrant parents who I WOULD trade all my candy for if I had too! My dad the Argentinian Poet/ Rapper and my Mom- The Mexicana with insanely funny accent thats perpetuated by her very high self-esteem who also has a hard core shopping addiction at Costco! You see.. we don’t all ride donkeys to work, wear Sombreros and drink Tequila all day long… well some days I do but not every day at least! Oh! And how to all my blonde, blue eyed friends handle my Mexicanitis??? Well, they call, text and message me all week to gossip and talk about how our kids are driving us insane but we love them more than life and they always end their convo’s with ” We so need a girls trip to Vegas, nothing but Margaritas with endless Chips, Salsa & Guacamole!” So, I guess that means they’re a little Mexican too right? Maybe this Mexicanitis thing is really catching on! Go Figure!

Life is short, make it sweet & fun and a lil’ less ignorant! Duhhh

XoXo- Candy Girl

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