I will admit that in the very little downtime I allow myself, I’m a reality TV addict. It all started with the first episode of MTV’s real world New York City and I was hooked fo’ life. I’ll also admit that I tend to gravitate towards people who are a little quirky, I like under-dogs and I always root for the least likely to win the race, the talent competition and the one who probably even cheats a little while living on the biggest loser compound. I mean, I like watching others go balls to the wall and have no shame in their game. You gotta watch this clip below of Sammie B! I mean, if every single club on earth had a hype man to work the crowd like this then I’d probably go to more night clubs, sit in a corner with my Pina Colada and just stare in amazement. Enjoy Party People and remember, life is short- make it sweet & fun!
Candy Girl