Hi Guys,
Can I just say, I think everyone needs a theme song. Wouldn’t it be amazing if rather then introducing yourself to people your theme song would just begin to play and sound would just come from somewhere on your body and people would just think, ” Oh, I totally get you now!” I think songs can do that. Sometimes I meet people and I just start hearing songs in my head that remind me of them. I have nick names for everyone and silly songs that are made up on the spot for clients & friends too. For example, one of my dearest friends on earth is our sexy, delicious & glamourous baker Kelle Cohen and Kelle bakes like nobody’s business. She bakes everything under the sun but is most famous for her gatrillion flavors of cake-pops! ( And PS- All our major celeb clients die over her cake pops! and PPS No one in Hollywood is supposed to even touch, look at or even smell sugar so if they are gobbling them up then you know they must be good!) Anyhow, Kelle has a song and it goes a little something like this… ” Kelle, Cake Pops, Kelle, Kelle Cake Pops, Kelle Cake Pops, We LOVE U- Whoooo and repeat 2x!
So what’s my song? Well, I have a couple but there is one song that basically explains my entire existence and it’s fun, a bit crazy and totally makes you get up and dance your pants off even if your in a bummer mood. WHAM & George Michael are my life and another one of my unhealthy obsessions. U can roll your eyes or laugh at me but I’m really OK with talking about this publicly. I used to stare at my WHAM album cover and dream that I would meet George Michael and we’d fall in love and he’d say, ” Jackie, I love you , lets get in my Jet plane fly somewhere and get married right now, I can’t imagine living this life without you.” Well, as it turns out George likes boys not girls and he is in jail again but nevertheless, I can still be his girl bestie and we can go shopping, get mani’s & pedi’s , gossip and have cobb salads and white whine spritzers when he gets out! I love you George and I’ll be thinking of you while you serve your time and if I could I’d send you a custom made hot pink, glittered jumpsuit which read ” I’M STILL FABULOUS” on the backside, I so would. Call me George, I’m here…Single tear drop, rolling down slow…
Enjoy my theme song and HAPPY FRIDAY Party Peeps!!!
XoXo- Candy Girl