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We’ve hit a Milestone in the Blogosphere! 100,000 Candy Friends & Fans Couldn’t Fee

Mom & Dad say show-offs are gross so consider this us just sharing some information with you that makes us feel really special… AND KIND OF FREAKIN’ AWESOME TOO!!! For whatever reason you guys follow-us, like us, read about our fabulously fun adventures… we thank you! The truth is, I really wanted to be a writer when I was a kid and using words was one of the only things I was good at and the fact that I write and you read and either giggle, snort when you laugh, maybe you are inspired at times or even find yourself massively rolling your eyes at our nauseating cuteness and gusto for the sweet life, I think that’s pretty damn cool!

Here’s to more fabulously fun stuff!


Candy Girl & The Crew

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