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What a NIGHT! The Hollywood Candy Girls & HPNOTIQ @ LA Fashion Week & Our Over The Top Blu


Hiii friends, fans, blog stalkers, blogabee’s! Puuuhlease.. you so know who you are!

I suppose I should just write a little about this over the top event and let the photos speak for themselves. I mean, C’mon they don’t call us The Hollywood Candy Girls or The PREMIER Candy Catering & Candy Buffet & Dessert Bar Company in the nation for nothin’ right. Perhaps a night surrounded with celebs, models, amazingly talented people and beauty everywhere has inflated our heads just a little but we’ll just admit it and tomorrow we’ll deflate and be back to normal. We take things lightly, we have fun, we spread our candy love around town and are honored to have such a fabulously fun fan base that compliments & recognizes our work! Thanks guys! I have to speak for all my team at CCBB and say that working with Team HPNOTIQ & The Girls Night Out Event was insanely awesome. What a talented staff who put the P in Promotion and F in A Freakin’ Fun Night! So since candy is my art and candy is my fashion, let me tell you a little about what we did for LA Fashion week and HPNOTIQ’S Girls Night Out. A 16 ft Neon Chloroplast Bar ( These are our latest additions and investments and we LalaLOVE them more then words!) A custom candy buffet bar in HPNOTIQ aquas, blues, hints of hot pink and plenty of bling provided by HPNOTIQ- their bling bottles are so totally coveted at these events too! Kelle Cake Pops made us custom mini glam bite cupcakes, the Bernod Group made us a rush order of insanely delicious custom colored organic caramel corn ( people flipped for this and came back for 2nd and 3rds) and of course our graphics goddess Kristy designed some fabulous custom signs that the client LalaLOVED! Custom bags & boxes, custom Hollywood Candy Girl Outfits and an amazing night was had by all! We crawled home but only because we danced the night away after serving over 600 guests our delicious C-A-N-D-Y!

More Fashion Week Events To Come, Stay Tuned Party People!

Love Ya, Mean It , Ciao…

xoxo- Candy Girls

Candy Is Our Fashion

The Coveted Bling Bottle by HPNOTIQ

Anthony Franco’s Runway Show

Custom Blue Organic Caramel Corn- YUM BABY

Custom Signs for HPNOTIQ



Bree & Pop Sensation Colby Caillat

Bree & The RAD KAT VON D

We Heart Colby Caillat

Ohhhh You Sexy Lil’ Thang!

Candy Momma & Candy Daughter

Jessica & Hunter- BALLZ

Our Work- Isn’t She Lovely

Our VIP room Candy Buffet Bling Bar

Candy Is So Dandy

Joey & Mean Girls Star Daniel Franzese

GORGEOUSNESS To The 10000th Power

Meet My Model- CANDY, she’s really fun!


HPNOTIQ & Candy= A Match Made in Heaven

Trench Coats & Candy- A FASHION MOMENT

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